GN 623 Gear Levers Plastic, Bushing Steel

GN 623 Gear Levers, Plastic, Bushing Steel Color of the cover cap: DGB - Yellow, RAL 1021, matte finish
Original design
code: ELC.
Color of the cover cap: DGB - Yellow, RAL 1021, matte finish

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Product Family Ergostyle

Ergostyle standard parts combine functional and ergonomic operation with attractive appearance. Numerous design awards are proof of the high quality claim. The hallmark of Ergostyle products are five small dots.

  • functional, ergonomic design
  • ultimate design quality (numerous design awards)
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Product description

Design and handling of the gear levers GN 623 comply with the requirements and claims of the Ergostyle® product family.

The cover cap covers attachment elements (see installation example) as well as protruding or recessed shafts.


Plastic, polyamide (PA)

  • Glass fiber reinforced
  • Operating temperature -30 °C to +130 °C
  • Black-gray, matte, similar to RAL 7021

Steel, blackened

Cover cap
Plastic, polyamide (PA)

  • Black-gray, RAL 7021, matte finishDSGDSG
  • Orange, RAL 2004, matte finishDORDOR
  • Gray, RAL 7035, matte finishDGRDGR
  • Yellow, RAL 1021, matte finishDGBDGB
  • Blue, RAL 5024, matte finishDBLDBL
  • Red, RAL 3000, matte finishDRTDRT
  • Green, RAL 6017, matte finishDGNDGN
  • Gray with arrow, RAL 7035, matte finishPGRPGR



Countersunk Washers GN 184 (for axial fixation)

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GN 623 Gear Levers, Plastic, Bushing Steel sketch

Article options / Table

Bore code

BWithout keyway
KWith keyway DIN 6885-1 P9
VWith square DIN 79
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Bore H7
Square H11

Build & Price

Gear lever diameter d1
Bore code

Color of the cover cap
Gear lever diameter d1
Bore code

Color of the cover cap

Assembly examples


Gear levers GN 623 attached with keyway / adjusting spring, using Countersunk Washers GN 184.


Gear lever GN 623 with ball and spring snap mechanism for indexing the gearing angle, attached with cross pin.The cross pin is to be attached at an angle of 45° to the shaft axis.

Ball and pressure spring are not included in the delivery and must be ordered separately. More information on request.

Selected Part (How to order)

Total (net)
plus VAT 1,01 €
gross 6,34 €
In stock
Weight: 0,040 kg
If this article is new in our product range, it may happen that details concerning weight are as yet not listed.
If you do need weight details, please contact our Sales Department!
Phone +49 7723 6507 - 0
RoHS: Yes
This article is RoHS-compliant in application of Annex III., which means it complies with EU Directive 2011/65/EU, including extension (2015/863/EU), for restricting the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic devices. The Directive regulates the use of hazardous substances in devices and components. The implementation in national law is summarily described with RoHS(Restriction of (the use of certain) hazardous substances).
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Please note our order discounts.
With a total value (net) per order:
from 175,00 € -> 10 % discount
from 275,00 € -> 20 % discount
from 375,00 € -> 30 % discount

Surcharge for small volume purchases:
-> 15,00 Euro
for value of goods less than 25,00 €
-> 10,00 Euro
for value of goods from 25,00 to 49,99 €
All prices in accordance with our price list No. 56, valid from 1 September 2024, plus VAT only valid for Germany.

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GN 623-32-B6-DSGGN 623-32-K6-DSGGN 623-32-V6-DSGGN 623-32-B6-DORGN 623-32-K6-DORGN 623-32-V6-DORGN 623-32-B6-DGRGN 623-32-K6-DGRGN 623-32-V6-DGRGN 623-32-B6-DGBGN 623-32-K6-DGBGN 623-32-V6-DGBGN 623-32-B6-DBLGN 623-32-K6-DBLGN 623-32-V6-DBLGN 623-32-B6-DRTGN 623-32-K6-DRTGN 623-32-V6-DRTGN 623-32-B6-DGNGN 623-32-K6-DGNGN 623-32-V6-DGNGN 623-32-B6-PGRGN 623-32-K6-PGRGN 623-32-V6-PGRGN 623-37-B8-DSGGN 623-37-K8-DSGGN 623-37-V8-DSGGN 623-37-B8-DORGN 623-37-K8-DORGN 623-37-V8-DORGN 623-37-B8-DGRGN 623-37-K8-DGRGN 623-37-V8-DGRGN 623-37-B8-DGBGN 623-37-K8-DGBGN 623-37-V8-DGBGN 623-37-B8-DBLGN 623-37-K8-DBLGN 623-37-V8-DBLGN 623-37-B8-DRTGN 623-37-K8-DRTGN 623-37-V8-DRTGN 623-37-B8-DGNGN 623-37-K8-DGNGN 623-37-V8-DGNGN 623-37-B8-PGRGN 623-37-K8-PGRGN 623-37-V8-PGRGN 623-46-B12-DSGGN 623-46-K12-DSGGN 623-46-V12-DSGGN 623-46-B12-DORGN 623-46-K12-DORGN 623-46-V12-DORGN 623-46-B12-DGRGN 623-46-K12-DGRGN 623-46-V12-DGRGN 623-46-B12-DGBGN 623-46-K12-DGBGN 623-46-V12-DGBGN 623-46-B12-DBLGN 623-46-K12-DBLGN 623-46-V12-DBLGN 623-46-B12-DRTGN 623-46-K12-DRTGN 623-46-V12-DRTGN 623-46-B12-DGNGN 623-46-K12-DGNGN 623-46-V12-DGNGN 623-46-B12-PGRGN 623-46-K12-PGRGN 623-46-V12-PGRGN 623-54-B14-DSGGN 623-54-K14-DSGGN 623-54-V14-DSGGN 623-54-B14-DORGN 623-54-K14-DORGN 623-54-V14-DORGN 623-54-B14-DGRGN 623-54-K14-DGRGN 623-54-V14-DGRGN 623-54-B14-DGBGN 623-54-K14-DGBGN 623-54-V14-DGBGN 623-54-B14-DBLGN 623-54-K14-DBLGN 623-54-V14-DBLGN 623-54-B14-DRTGN 623-54-K14-DRTGN 623-54-V14-DRTGN 623-54-B14-DGNGN 623-54-K14-DGNGN 623-54-V14-DGNGN 623-54-B14-PGRGN 623-54-K14-PGRGN 623-54-V14-PGR

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